Southeast Asia’s largest innovation festival
innovfest unbound is the anchor event of Smart Nation Innovations, a week-long series of events that showcase Asia’s most innovative developments. We will see over 8,000 entrepreneurs, brands, corporates, investors and tech start-ups meet and share new ideas, build partnerships and celebrate digital disruption.
In partnership with Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), innovfest unbound is organised by NUS Enterprise and unbound and is Southeast Asia’s most exciting innovation festival. Co-Chaired by Yossi Vardi and Lily Chan, it is the place where brands connect with disruptive innovation and explore Asian opportunities.
This year, 4 additional satellite events are being launched that will highlight the trends shaping the world of tech throughout 2017; convergence, futurenow, fintech360 and arise.
Agenda. innovfest unbound is the anchor event of Smart Nation Innovations

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and from Ms.Hoa Lai Pham introduction.